In fact, in our own analysis of over 8,000 tickets, support teams spend ~78% of their time on troubleshooting.
This seemingly simple problem, when left unaddressed, leads to more significant issues for a business:
- Dis-satisfaction & high turnover rates among the support team, in turn leading to knowledge loss and more recruiting costs.
- Poor customer experience, with users having to wait on-hold or in queues before interacting with an overworked agent.
- Higher costs of support, as more expensive resources (like your agent’s time) are dedicated to repetitive troubleshooting inquiries.
All three issues are dire and can have a significant negative impact on your bottom line. But the unfortunate reality is that pain points without dollar signs often are de-prioritized.
CEOs/CFOs/COOs who hold the purse strings prioritize problems they can measure, and without a way to measure the monetary impact of repetitive troubleshooting, it often goes unaddressed.
We wanted to help our customers put a dollar figure on this problem, so we built the first ROI Calculator for Tech Support Automation.
This tool will helps calculate metrics important to your business, including:
- How many hours your support team wastes on repetitive troubleshooting
- Your current Cost-per-Customer-Contact (and how much it could be reduced with the right self-service solution)
- How much cash your company could save overall by implementing tech support automation
First, we crunched a ton of our own data to create a base model. From there, we noticed that, with a few customer-specific inputs, we could closely estimate how much time and money a company was wasting on repetitive troubleshooting. We tested with a few close customers and continued to see success.
So we decided to release it for free. You can check out ROI Calculator for Tech Support here.
Just pop in your total number of support requests, number of agents, and their average salary and we’ll handle the rest.
Now, whether you’re a Support Lead exploring the possibilities of automation or an Operations leader evaluating your support tools, you’ll have an easier time calculating how much troubleshooting costs your company. Your next business case just became a piece of cake.
Give the free ROI Calculator for Tech Support a spin, and let us know what you think!
Want even deeper insights into how tech support automation (and Mavenoid) can help you? Request a demo with our team and we’ll get in touch!